2022 CGCA Q&A Session

Thank you for joining us for our virtual information session. The full recording can be found below.

A few reminders as you continue to put together your 2022 nominations:

  • Our new Diversity Award is in its second year! Please consider the law departments of your clients for nomination to this new and exciting addition to the CGCA.

  • We are inviting nominations for the Business Achievement category from the legal and business community to be considered by our Advisory Board.

  • I would also like to remind you to submit a nomination for the BLG Stephen Sigurdson Lifetime Achievement Award. We are looking for a General Counsel who is near the end of a distinguished career or who has retired within the past year.

  • Finally a reminder of the Baker McKenzie Innovation Award (launched in 2019). Please consider the law departments of your clients for nomination!

Individual category nomination forms, category criteria, and further FAQs can be found at  www.cgca.ca

Completed nomination forms should be submitted as Word documents to nominations@cgca.ca by the deadline of Monday April 4, 2022.

If you have any questions about the process, please contact us for assistance. We want to make sure that your firm’s voice is heard.